Elevate in all aspects.

Producing the pinnacle of your professional achievements involves being in a setting that prioritizes your personal growth alongside your career advancement.

An environment tailored to your needs. A reflection of society. A space built on trust in its individuals.

That environment is 88ninety.

Your Day @ 88nintey atmosphere

Work Anywhere: You have the total freedom to work remotely from any location within our network.

Be Your Own Boss: At 88ninety, everyone’s is their own boss; feel free to work at any time you want.

Six-month plan: Every sixth month spent with us, you get a boost to your salary as long as you are putting in the effort that reflects what you stand for

What We Value:

Education: if you do not water the seed, it won’t become a fruitful tree. Education is the gateway to all opportunity. 

Our Work Environment: We believe in a safe, respectful, and supportive workplace for everyone.

Step Into The Arena: Bring Your Creativity, life experience, and yourself while you enjoy the work.

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